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Ouija's Wishes TNR Help

Our resources only allow us to provide TNR help in the Toledo, Ohio area. To request TNR help, please fill out our TNR Request Application below

Please note we have a wait-list of colonies needing help. We are currently a smaller group, please be patient with our volunteers

TNR Request Application

Fur Angels Rescue Shelter an all-volunteer 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Our trappers are all volunteers so please be kind and patient as they are doing everything they can around their own lives.

The spay-neuter package includes:
    * spay-neuter surgery
    * rabies vaccine (age appropriate)
    * eartip

Our services are donation based and while a donation is not required for services, it is greatly needed. Your donation of $29 per cat allows us to continue providing these services in our community.

All cats and kittens except kittens enrolled in our adoption program WILL BE EARTIPPED.

Please complete the form below so that we may add your cats to our list. We will contact you via email to start.

Thank you for caring about community cats!

Your address

Address of Cats (if different from yours)

Are you the main caregiver of the cats?
How friendly are the cats?
Please check all that apply
Are there any kittens?
By filling out this form you understand the cats have to be re-released back in the area and will NOT be relocated
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